Sponsorship opportunities

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Sponsoring our content will allow you to leverage the editorial reputation of PJ Publications, including The Pharmaceutical Journal and Tomorrow’s Pharmacist in order to demonstrate your commitment to dissemination of scientific and clinical knowledge and supporting health care. There are two main opportunties available for partnership with PJ Publications.


Focus supplements

A PJ Focus provides a comprehensive, engaging and authoritative overview of a timely topic in pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences. The Pharmaceutial Journal editorial team commission the best science and medical writers and opinion leaders to contribute original articles to a Focus

Your Focus will be bound into The Pharmaceutical Journal and circulated to over 30,000* recipients, and is also distributed to delegates at targeted meetings and conferences. At the request of the partner, we can also deliver up to 500 copies of the supplement as a standalone volume, to be distributed by the client to their selected audience.

The cover of the supplement will acknowledge your support, and this partnership will also be explained in the editorial of the Focus. You can also add a Sponsor’s feature to the supplement (up to 2 pages) and include one full-page advertisement in the issue as part of the package.

As part of this partnership, your supplement will be also published online on www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/publications/supplements/ and we will direct readers to it from various point across pharmaceutical-journal.com, as well as our social media platforms to an audience of more than 500,000** followers.

The content of the Focus you sponsor will be freely available online for six months from the date of publication.

 *Publisher statement – Royal Pharmaceutical Society membership data – January 2019 **Combined followers of the PJ, CP and TP pages. Publishers own data January 2019

Special report: Antibiotic awareness


PJ thematic special reports attract a significant amount of targetter traffic from search engines, since they collate and aggregate the most important content we have created on a specific topic or event. You can sponsor a special report, in which case we acknowledge your support on the special report’s page, as well as making the content appearing on that page freely available to public for six months. You can see an example of a sponsored special report here.

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Sponsorship opportunities;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2014.20065721

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