Useful tips and advice on how to sell your pharmacy

This book provides tips on what you need to consider when selling a pharmacy.

‘Selling your pharmacy for all it’s worth’ by Anne Hutchings

This book provides an excellent guide to prospective vendors, whatever their particular circumstances or experience in community pharmacy ownership. The author Anne Hutchings calls upon her 20-year experience specialising in dealing with the niche markets of pharmacy accounts, tax advice and consultancy and relays the information and tips in a reader-friendly format.

Although I have more than 30 years of pharmacy ownership experience (and have bought and sold pharmacies a number of times), I find myself jotting down copious notes from the guidance and tips Hutchings provides. She has managed to adapt her expertise in line with the changing pharmacy market. For example, she uses real-life examples to give readers a better appreciation of the process of selling a pharmacy. There are many crucial messages Hutchings provides, not least to be fully prepared in advance of thinking about selling and choosing the right team of advisers (agent, accountant, solicitor and financial adviser). The additional costs upfront in hiring this team should also be taken into consideration.

This book is a must-read for those considering selling their pharmacy.


‘Selling your pharmacy for all it’s worth’ by Anne Hutchings. Ppxii+104 £12. Leicestershire: Troubador Publishing; 2015. ISBN 978 1 78462 241 1

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, 4/11 April 2015, Vol 294, No 7856/7;294(7856/7):DOI:10.1211/PJ.2015.20068104

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