Gazette notice — Pharmaceutical Press (PhP) Ltd Publishing Board

At a meeting held on 20 March 2019, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Assembly agreed that the following amendments to the Society’s Regulations will take effect from 1 August 2019. The changes are shown in the marked up text below.

Any member who wishes to comment to the Assembly on the changes is asked to do so by 14 July 2019. Comments should be sent to


Regulation 16.2 PhP Board of Directors

Composition of the PhP Board shall be amended as follows:

In accordance with its Articles of Association PhP shall have a Board of
9 10
directors, comprising the following:

  • Three executive directors (RPS’s chief executive and finance director, and the PhP managing director);
  • One non-executive director being the chair of PhP, who is appointed by RPS;

  • Three four
    non-executive directors comprising people with skills and experience gained in the publishing, information, media and digital markets;
  • Two non-executive directors, the president of RPS and one other Assembly member, representing the pharmacy profession, who are members (but not employees) of the RPS. Such appointments will be nominated by the Publishing Appointments Committee and approved by the Assembly;
  • Observer status for president of RPS
    and the publisher of The Pharmaceutical Journal.
Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, May 2019, Vol 302, No 7925;302(7925):DOI:10.1211/PJ.2019.20206546

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