RPS professional standards for hospital pharmacy services

Earlier this year, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) updated the RPS professional standards for hospital pharmacy services. A summary of the changes to the standards can be found on the RPS website.

The refreshed standards give more emphasis to key themes, including the need to increase patient involvement and feedback in the development, delivery and improvement of pharmacy services. One area that members putting the standards into practice locally have asked the RPS for support with is how to capture patient experience in a meaningful way. The RPS is therefore seeking examples of how patient experience is being collected or measured or both in different areas  as a starting point to enable it to identify and share good practice from across Great Britain.

If your organisation currently measures (or has plans to measure) patient experience, contact Miriam Gichuhi (Miriam.Gichuhi@rpharms.com) with details by 28 November 2014. Additionally, contact Miriam if you would like to be involved in the further development of this work on patient experience.

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, 25 October 2014, Vol 293, No 7833;293(7833):DOI:10.1211/PJ.2014.20066894

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