Tribute: Angela Mary Fell

Angela was always an interesting and entertaining companion. She held firm views on many issues in pharmacy and society, which she would promote forcefully using both English and French to make her point.

Angela graduated from Manchester University in the early 1960s, before making the brave decision to study for a doctorate in radiopharmacy at the University of Bordeaux. When Angela returned to Manchester with her doctorate to work in academia, she was a committed Francophile and an excellent cook of French cuisine.

Angela returned to pharmacy, after a career break to care for her children Kate and Mathew, as a locum community pharmacist, before moving to Warrington Hospital in 1983.

This was followed by working as a community services pharmacist for several years. This involved her in working closely with local nursing homes as both an advisor and as part of the inspection team. Her care for individual patients led to her gaining a well-respected reputation for her approach — young pharmacists appreciated her knowledge and support. She was active in the local branch and involved in a wide network of contacts in pharmacy throughout the UK. This included her work supporting the continuing education of qualified pharmacists through the Centre for Postgraduate Pharmacy Education.

She was renowned for her quirkiness, sense of humour and interest in so many things outside of pharmacy. She was very active in local politics and stood for the local council.

Her compassion for underprivileged peoples led her to support charities for disabled children in India for many years, and to be an active member of the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO). Angela worked for VSO as chief pharmacist at Mbarara Hospital in Uganda for two years, in 2001 and 2002. Tales of her challenges and trials trying to raise the standards of the pharmacy to acceptable levels kept us amused for many evenings, and led to her long-term support for the hospital.

Following retirement, Angela joined the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s retired pharmacists group and found companionship and support from fellow pharmacists with whom she spent holidays around the world.

Angela was a very warm person and a committed pharmacist who always put a patient’s interests first.

A meeting for colleagues and friends will be held to celebrate her life when possible.

Robert and Pamela Calvert 

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Tribute: Angela Mary Fell;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2020.20208310

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